pollution has garnered considerable interest in last few years because of the
multiple adverse effects reported on human health. Air
pollution is hard to escape, no matter how rich an area you live in. It is all
around us. Microscopic pollutants in the air can slip past our body’s defences,
penetrating deep into our respiratory and circulatory system, damaging our
lungs, heart and brain. “The true cost of climate change is felt in our
hospitals and in our lungs. The health burden of polluting energy sources is
now so high, that moving to cleaner and more sustainable choices for energy
supply, transport and food systems effectively pays for itself (WHO article). The
injurious effects of air pollution are widespread and are many. Every day
commuting to work or travelling around our town or city, we’re being exposed to
high levels of toxins. Air pollution is a global environmental burden, and has
been identified as a significant public health risk. It is very dangerous to
our health although its impact on

Dr. Shobha Gupta is the Medical Director of the renowned Mother’s Lap IVF Centre in New Delhi, India. She has finished her MBBS from the famous Lady Hardinge Medical College and her PG from the well known Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) and has over 20 years of experience infertility, gynecology and obstetrics. She is also trained in ART from Germany and obtained MD in Gynecology and Obstretics from USA. Dr. Shobha Gupta is an extremely talented, meticulous and one of the best IVF doctors
Thursday, 27 December 2018
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Some common FAQs about infertility and IVF treatment at our centre
Q1 There is a steady rise of infertility in India. Why is
infertility on the rise in India?
Ans. According to
a report published in WHO , from the overall population, around 15-20 per cent
couples face challenges in having children. There is a slight increased in
percentage in the urban areas as compare to rural areas. The reasons for higher
cases of infertility in urban areas are busy, hectic lifestyle, and unhealthy eating
habits, being more career oriented, less sexually active etc. Ease to junk
food, packed food, smoking, drinking, obesity etc. have a negative impact on
the fertility in both males and females.
Q2 What are the new types of treatment available for
Ans. There are many new techniques and treatments in the
field of infertility. Some of the technologies are more about eliminating the
human effort as well as human errors. Some of them being are:
- IVF, In vitreo fertilization which is the most common way to treat infertility.
- Assisted Laser Hatching: This technology helps the embryo to better attach to the womb.
- I.M.S.I., Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) is a technique to be better able to assess the structure of the sperm and exclude the sperm with suspected abnormalities from being injected into the available eggs.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Obesity can lower the testosterones in men
Obesity is no doubt a major health challenge worldwide.
Being overweight brings plethora of health issues such as heart diseases,
diabetes, hypertension, stroke, osteoarthritis and some cancers like colon and
breast. And not only these, but obesity highly affects your sex life too. One is considered to be obese when you weigh more than
20% above of your ideal weight.
How obesity can
affect your sex life?
Being overweight hinders stamina which is important to
sustain sexual performance. It disturbs ones hormonal balance which in turn
affects testosterone levels, causing loss of libido or low sex drive. Obesity
also affects blood flow to the genitals and lack of blood circulation there causes
erectile dysfunction.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Are busy lifestyles contributing to male infertility?
Infertility is common today and has become a clinical
problem today affecting 8 to 12 %
couples worldwide. However, usually people
think that infertility is a female problem but science has proved both the
partners contribute equally to infertility. In-fact, many studies claims that
40% cases of infertility are due to males.
Let’s see how our busy and hectic lifestyle contributes
heavily in male infertility.
Today, major problem in developing countries like India
is the growing MNC culture where both the partners are working with erratic
working hours and hardly got any time to be together. And of course the work
place stress as everybody knows heavily contributes to sub-fertility or
infertility in a couple, leading to an inability to have relations during the
fertile period.
Today’s generation couples tend to marry late and then
plan pregnancy even later, which further worsen the chances of pregnancy. A
woman’s reproductive age spans between 15-45
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Common causes of infertility that you should know
At some point of time every man and woman thinks of
extending their family
which means they want to settle down and have kids. But in today’s fast paced life one’s lifestyle plays a pivotal role in fertility. There are numerous issues which creates hindrances in becoming a parent. Here are 6 common causes which impairs infertility, please have a look:
which means they want to settle down and have kids. But in today’s fast paced life one’s lifestyle plays a pivotal role in fertility. There are numerous issues which creates hindrances in becoming a parent. Here are 6 common causes which impairs infertility, please have a look:
Blocked Fallopian tubes: Blocked or damaged Fallopian tubes prevent sperm from getting to
your egg for fertilization. This condition also prevents the fertilized egg
from getting to your uterus. For a successful pregnancy to take place, your
fertilized egg has to move to the uterus for growth. It is usually caused by
pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted infections (such as
chlamydia), and any history of uterine infection caused by abortion or
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Top tips for getting pregnant
I see many patients struggling with infertility and they
all have different stories to tell about
their infertility journey. Today the
lifestyle we live is the biggest reason that affects thousands and lakhs of
couples to become infertile. Sometimes it literally broke my heart when I
listened to their stories but
being and Infertility specialist, it is indeed my duty to give my best advise
to all the couples across the globe to live healthy and give them the best tips
to follow for their fertility. Here are certain tips that you need to keep in mind and
follow religiously to conceive:
1. First of all your age matters a lot:
For a woman the best reproductive years are in her 20s.
When a woman reaches her thirties, her fertility will gradually decline,
particularly after the age of 35. In your early 30’s you only have a 20% chance
of getting pregnant. So, plan early.
Friday, 28 September 2018
महिलाओं में गर्भपात के बाद हार्ट अटैक का खतरा 40 प्रतिशत बढ जाता है
हर साल दुनिया भर में लगभग 12 लाख लोग हार्ट अटैक या हार्ट से जुड़ी बीमारीयों से मर जाते है। यह बीमारी अमीर हो या गरीब को प्राभावित करता है। बहुत से लोग यह सोचते है कि ये बड़े बुजुर्गो को होता हैं। पर ऐसा नहीं है। ये किसी को भी कभी हो सकती है। खास कर लोगों का माना है कि यह पुरूषों अधिकतर होता है। बल्कि महिलायें में इसका खतरा सबसे ज्यादा होता है क्योंकि माॅनोपोज के बाद दिल के दौरे और दिल से जुड़ी बीमारी की आशांका बहुत बढ़ जाती है।
एक शोध के अनुसार महिलाओं में गर्भपात के बाद हार्ट अटैक का खतरा 40 प्रतिशत बढ जाता है। इसके साथ मृतप्रसव के बाद भी हार्ट अटैक का खतरा 3ण्5 गुना बढ जाता है।
उन महिलाओं को जिन्हे पीसीओस है उनमें हार्ट अटैक खतरा जिन महिलाओं को यह बीमारी नहीं है से 5 से 7 गुना अधिक होता है। पीसीओस से ग्रसित महिलाओं में गर्भपात होने का खतरा भी अधिक होता है।
पुरुषों की तुलना में महिलाओं को एकमात्र लाभ एस्ट्रोजेन हार्मोन के रूप में मिलता है। लेकिन रजोनिवृति के बाद एस्ट्रोजन का स्तर घट जाता है और इसलिए इससे मिलने वाली सुरक्षा भी कम हो जाती है और रजोनिवृति के दस साल बाद हार्ट अटैक का खतरा और भी अधिक बढ जाता है।
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
What Every Woman Needs To Know About Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer - the cancer of ovaries has been known as
a ‘silent killer' in the past because it's hard to diagnose. Its symptoms are:
- Persistent tummy or pelvic pain
- Increased tummy size or persistent bloating – not bloating that comes and goes
- Difficulty eating and feeling full quickly
- The need to wee more frequently
- Changes in bowel habit
- Extreme fatigue or pain
If you have these symptoms more than 12 times in a month, you should seriously consider going to see your doctor.
According to the American Cancer Society about 1 in 75
women will get ovarian cancer in her lifetime, but young women are rarely
affected. The risk escalates starting at age 63
Thursday, 6 September 2018
What You Should Know About Male Fertility
we talk about sperm quality, this means the amount of sperm contained with the
semen, and the motility, or ability to move, of the sperm, which impacts the capacity
of the sperm to reach and fertilise the egg. What can men do to help ensure that their sperm are fighting fit? Here
are a few areas where some simple health-boosting lifestyle changes could help
to put you in the best position to conceive as a couple.
There’s some
conflicting information out there on whether or not stress affects the health
of sperm. While it’s not clear whether stress can decrease sperm count, high
stress levels are certainly likely to put a relationship under strain, which
could in turn make the process of trying to conceive more fraught.
We all know that
smoking isn’t great for your health in general. But if you’re trying for a baby
it could be a good time to kick the habit altogether, as there’s a link between smoking and poorer quality
sperm. Quitting smoking also has the effect of improving blood flow,
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Do this to improve your IVF success rate
Losing excess
weight before undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment can improve
pregnancy and birth outcome. The women with normal weight (BMI below 20) had
higher live birth rates (38.6 percent) and embryo implantation (40.4 percent)
compared to obese women (BMI above 30 -27.7 percent and 30.9 percent
respectively). A body mass
index (BMI) of 19 to 25 is considered to be the ideal weight for conceiving. A
healthy body and optimum weight during pregnancy is crucial for having a smooth
pregnancy and delivering a healthy child.
According to the
WHO 1.2 billion people worldwide are officially classified as overweight.
According to recent study 70% of India's urban population is obese and comes
under overweight category. Both underweight
and overweight women and men suffer from a higher incidence of infertility. I
see at least 10 patients in a day coming to me for infertility out of which 3
to 4% are obese. Women who are obese are also at a greater risk for pregnancy
complications like having a C-section, giving birth to a large baby or even
developing gestational diabetes and hypertension. There are numerous potential complications for obese
women trying to get pregnant. Some of these include:
Lower response to medication used to regulate or initiate
ovulation.Greater need for carefully titrated dosing of medication,
especially in patients with polycystic ovaries (PCO).
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Can’t get pregnant, surprising facts to know
It is estimated that globally
between 60-80 million couples suffer from infertility every year,
of which (IVF) may be the only option, it’s important to know some of the
very common causes of infertility. Probably between 15- 20 million are in India alone says ICMR Bulletin. It could
be very disappointing every month to get a negative pregnancy test especially
when you are trying hard to get pregnant. But before assuming that in vitro
Here are the five possible
facts why you might be struggling with infertility and what you can do about
1. You don’t have enough
healthy eggs:
You’re born with a fixed
number of eggs but the number and health of your eggs declines as you get
older. In fact, a healthy and fertile 30-year-old has only 20 percent chances
of getting pregnant each month,
according to a report published in American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
If you are consuming fertility drugs then number of eggs further decreases.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Eating for Fertility
Earlier also we talked about the fertility diet but it's not
only what you eat for your fertility, but how you eat too is also important.
Too many of us are eating too late in the day or when we go to bed at night,
we're meant to digest our day, not our dinner. Our lifestyle and health do not
support fertility, particularly when we are waiting. It is very important to
remember that the preparation of food itself is a bit like alchemy. What
you eat affects everything in your life, from your body and mood to your risk
of certain diseases. But, it turns out, that's not all nutrition can impact:
New research has shown that the types of food you consume can also play a role
in your fertility. Try these simple tips for preparing your food and the
results will certainly follow:
Trying to conceive? First quit smoking
If you are a chain smoker and trying to get pregnant then
please stop smoking as cigarette
smoking is harmful to the ovaries, and the
degree of damage is dependent upon the amount and length of the time a woman
smokes or is exposed to a smoked environment. Nicotine and other harmful chemicals
in cigarettes interfere with the body’s ability to create estrogen, a hormone
that regulates folliculogenesis and ovulation. Female smokers also have
decreased rates of fertility and decreased fallopian tube function. It not only
can lead to all kinds of serious problems with the baby but also reduces the
chances of IVF producing a live birth by 34% and increases the risk of an IVF
pregnancy miscarrying by 30%. A pregnant woman who smokes also adds a risk to
pregnancy. If you smoke for many years or smoke many cigarettes per day,
your risk for fertility problems is increased. When you smoke, more than 7000
chemicals spread throughout your entire body and all of your organs. This can
lead to serious fertility problems like blocked fallopian tubes, damage to your
reproductive organs, premature
Monday, 30 July 2018
Stress Impacts Male Fertility
Stress is the most over used term these days and there are
numerous problems that stress causes like asthma, heart problems, constant
headaches, obesity, depression and many more. Infertility is said to occur
when a couple fails to conceive despite of one year of trying without any
protection. Many researches in the past have shown the results that
stress is the main factor that causes infertility in men. One of the very popular myth is that infertility is always a
woman’s problem. In fact out of 100% nearly 30% of all infertility cases, the
cause is attributed to a problem in the male, 30% of cases, the cause is
attributed in female and 40% to both combined male and female factors. The main cause of male infertility is the abnormalities in
sperm which includes low sperm production or immobile sperm. In addition to
this one’s lifestyle plays a pivotal role in fertility levels. In today’s time
stress is
Thursday, 5 July 2018
"Can't Get Pregnant Again"
Lot of couples plan their extended family when they plan their second baby. But problem occurs when they came to know that they are suffering from secondary infertility which means inability to get pregnant after the birth of your first biological child. This kind of state can be stressful and upsetting and also difficult to process, especially if the first pregnancy went well.
Now, let us consider few facts which lead you to secondary infertility:
1. Time and Gap between the ages:
We cannot say that somebody is suffering from secondary infertility for particular amount of time. But if a couple has been trying unsuccessfully for at least one year or so then I would strongly recommend that they should pay a visit to fertility expert who will be able to investigate their situation and help them get to the bottom of what might be wrong. Age
Monday, 2 July 2018
Irregular periods Vs IVF Treatment
If you are having irregular periods for a while then please do not ignore it. Today, in this blog I am gonna right whether irregular periods hamper your IVF treatment or not and what you need to know about what are irregular periods. Menstrual cycle normally ranges from 21 days to 35 days. Some people get periods after 21 days and some after every 35 days, which is considered normal.
However, if you are getting periods beyond that time frame or if the gap between periods is more than two weeks, it is known as irregular.
Also, if menstrual cycle is shorter than that (get after 15 days) or longer than that (after 40 days, 50 days), it means your periods are irregular.
This could mean two things either you have PCOS or few eggs are left inside your body. Also, if you get a period after a gap of 40 days between periods, it does not necessarily indicate PCOS. It could also mean that you are approaching menopause. So, it is important to know
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Importance of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience to a woman. Although it’s a natural process,
breastfeeding is a learned skill, which requires practice and patience. First of all make sure you should increase your water intake. This is extremely important when you are breastfeeding your newly born. If you stay hydrated more milk will be produced and it will help you feel energetic the whole day too. Keep your meals simple yet nutritious. Always keep fresh fruits and vegetables at home so that when you feel hungry you do not grab any snack or cookies or high and empty calorie food items.
Let’s discuss the benefits of breastfeeding:
Your breast milk is the best possible food for your baby and will give her the best start in life. It provides the required nutrition as well as immunity for your baby. Here are few benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby:
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Treating infertility
There has been immense change in the IVF technology itself. New methods for treating infertilityhave been introduced in recent years like;
1) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), is an assisted reproductive technology used to treat male infertility. This technique involves washing of the sperm and injecting the specially prepared sperm into the egg obtained from IVF
2) Intrauterine Insemination (IUI); a procedure in which sperm is washed, concentrated, and then placed directly into the uterus. It is a relatively simple form of infertility treatment. It might be used unexplained infertility in males and females.
3) Frozen Embryo Transfer(FET) It is a part of IVF process. Main part of IVF is the ET which is called Embryo Transfer which usually takes 10 to 15 days to be injected in woman’s womb. Spare embryos from your IVF treatment can be frozen for future use, depending on their
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Surprising Myths and Facts About infertility
Myth 1: Having sex everyday enhances
Fact: No. In fact, it
may decrease the chances. As the egg’s life is only 24 hours long, having
sex more often will only help during the woman’s fertile period.
Myth 2: Infertility is
Fact: False, most
infertility problems are not hereditary it may depend on an individual
lifestyle, and health status.
Myth 3: Drinking wine is better than
drinking alcohol
Fact: Alcohol in any
form may lead to fetal defects. Therefore, it is better to avoid it while
planning for pregnancy.
Myth 4: A late pregnancy is easier if your menstruation cycle has been regular.
Fact: It is true that you
are in your fertile period till you menstruate, but remember that the health
and quality of your egg has no relation with your periods. The quality of the
eggs start to decline post 25 years of age, and when you conceive after 30
years of age, you run a slightly greater risk of passing chromosomal
abnormalities to the foetus. So
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
IVF Treatment: Hope for infertile couples
IVF or in vitreo fertilization is a method to treat
infertility worldwide. As we all know all that
infertility is a common modern
day problem which means when you are unable to conceive naturally despite of
one year of trying. As you age your fertility levels will decline and then you
opt for IVF treatment to conceive So, it is very important to
know things about IVF treatment before jumping into it:
1. When women's and men’s fertility really starts to fall
First and foremost you should know about the time or age
when a woman's fertility starts to drop dramatically. It starts declining from
the age of 30 onwards. Diminishing egg numbers along with diminishing egg
quality is also one issue. A simple blood test, known as AMH, will tell a woman
if she has a normal number of eggs for her age but tells us little about the
quality of the eggs remaining. On the other hand, men's fertility can also
reduce with age. While women are born with all the eggs they will ever have,
men are continually producing new sperm. However, as men age, the quality of
the genes in their sperm deteriorates from 40 onwards.
Friday, 4 May 2018
How to Choose the Best IVF Centre in India!
What to Look for When
Selecting for an IVF Centre or Infertility Specialist in India.
You and your partner must feel completely
comfortable with your treating Infertility
Specialist during fertility treatments. Feel free to ask your IVF
specialist any questions and concerns you may have. Your Infertility Specialist should explain every
step of the process to you in terms that you can understand as we do in
Mother’s Lap IVF Centre. This article will help couples struggling with infertility
to find the right IVF Centre.
It is very essential to find the right
fertility centre for your infertility treatments. Many couples begin with centres
and doctors that are close to their residence.
This may not give them the best experience and results. Take the time to find
the fertility centre and staff prior to making an appointment.
Friday, 27 April 2018
Pregnancy in your 40s!
Age is always one such issue which
tops the list if you want to become pregnant because you can’t do anything
about age. Though the cosmetic procedures are very much in and may holds your
age over your face but there’s no medicine, no cure for old age and the
disabilities that come with it. The only thing you can do is plan your future
well and make the best of today. The ideal age for pregnancy is the mid-to-late
If you want to wait, then you can push that limit up to 35 only and not
beyond. After 35, the chances of a successful pregnancy start declining.
IVF or In vitreo fertilization treatment, for so long considered the only
hope for women who are unable to fall pregnant on their own but I believe that
IVF isn't the only answer for women wanting to get pregnant.
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Still not Pregnant?
You are planning to conceive for long and not
getting results. This problem is very common
now. I see at least 40 to 50
patients in a day coming to me for their infertility issues. This is because conception
is process that calls for more trials before you finally succeed. You should
know that there are some medical facts which keep coming on your way of getting
According to ICMR Bulletin it is estimated
that globally around 60 to 80 million couples suffer from infertility annually,
of which probably between 15 to 20 million are in India alone.
When everything else fails and you think that
the in vitro fertilization or IVF may be the only option for you to opt, but
before considering anything know some facts that can hinder your chances of
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Soothing words from our patients
“A doctor is someone who
listens to your problems, makes it their own and looks after you
till you get
well.” Here’s sharing a beautiful
message by my patient..
Dear Dr. Shobha,
The attention given to us,
regarding timely answers, the methodology (the fact you use more than one
surrogate increases chances of pregnancy) and the cost was reasonable. We
always felt more than just a “client”, the treatment was always very professional
and sensitive, making us feel comfortable, understood and supported. We would
be happy to make reference to your services to other couples in similar
We also want to express our
thanks and appreciation for the wonderful treatment and care you all showed to
us following Bernardo’s birth. You demonstrated your total commitment into
caring for Bernardo, and also gave us the support and encouragement we needed
to take my first steps as new born parents! Thank you for all support in
Delhi and for being always there during those incredible days of our lives -
not only medical but also administrative and bureaucratic.
Saturday, 31 March 2018
मां बनने का सपना न रह जाए अधूरा!
आजकल कम उम्र
में ही
कुछ ऐसी
बीमारियां शरीर को घेर लेती
हैं जिनसे
उबर पाना
इतना आसान
नहीं होता
पीओएफ यानी प्रीमेच्योर ओवरीज फेल
पीओएफ का मतलब
है 40 की
उम्र से
पहले ओवरीज
का सामान्य
काम न
करना. मतलब
कि ओवरीज
का सामान्य
रूप से
एस्ट्रोजन हार्मोन का निर्माण न
होना या
नियमित रूप
से अंडे
का रिलीज
न होना.
इससे बांझपन
या बच्चा
न होना
आम समस्या
होती है.
मदर्स लैप
आईवीएफ सेंटर की आईवीएफ
विशेषज्ञ डाॅक्टर
शोभा गुप्ता
का कहना
है कि
कई बार
उम्र से
पहले ओवरीज
के फेल
होने को
मीनोपॉज से
जोड़ दिया
जाता है लेकिन ये
स्थितियां भिन्न हैं. किसी महिला
की ओवरीज
फेल होती
है तो
उसे अनियमित
माहवारी हो
सकती है
और वह
गर्भधारण भी
कर सकती
है. उम्र
से पहले
मीनोपॉज का
अर्थ है
कि माहवारी
का स्थायी
तौर पर
रुक जाना
और इसके
बाद गर्भवती
Thursday, 22 March 2018
Trying for a baby? First read this!
you or someone you know, trying for a baby? These changes to your lifestyle
could get you on your way...
Eat a Whole Food Diet
A great method
for boosting fertility and overall well-being is to eat a whole foods diet.
When trying to conceive, eat leafy greens, organic dairy and high-quality protein. Not only will this improve your fertility,
but eating healthy will boost your well being throughout pregnancy.
Get Regular Exercise
Getting the right
amount of exercise can do wonders for your mood, well-being and it can may even
help with boosting fertility. If you’re struggling to conceive due to
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or are overweight, regular exercise can help
regulate your
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
नवजात शिशु की देखभाल में सिर्फ माने विशेषज्ञ की सलाह
चाहिए। जहां तक संभव हो सके प्रसव हमेशा अच्छे अस्पताल में ही होना चाहिए ताकि चिकित्सक और नर्स की सेवाएं मिल सकें। इससे जटिलताओं की आशंका कम हो जाती है। किसी भी प्रकार की जटिलता पेश आने पर हॉस्पिटल में तुरंत उससे निपटने की व्यवस्था की जा सकती है।
मां के दूध का नहीं है कोई विकल्प
कुछ लोग आपको यह सलाह दे सकते हैं कि मां के दूध की जगह आप बाजार के डिब्बे बंद दूध को प्राथमिकता दें कारण कोई भी हो सकता है जैसे कि मां अपने फिगर को ध्यान में रख रही हो या फिर आॅफिस जाने व काम की व्यस्तता हो। लेकिन यह बिल्कुल गलत है।
डाॅक्टर शोभा गुप्ता बताती हैं कि शुरुआती 6 महीनों तक माता का दूध पीने वाले बच्चे अच्छी तरह विकसित होते हैं। संक्रमण से उनका बचाव होता है। साथ ही उनमें अपने माता-पिता के प्रति भावनात्मक लगाव लंबे समय तक बना रहता है। 6 महीने की उम्र के बाद बच्चे को माता के दूध के अलावा ऊपरी आहार भी देना चाहिए। जन्म के आधे घंटे के अंदर बच्चे को
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