Wednesday 28 December 2022

Choosing a right fertility clinic: what to look for?

During your fertility journey, you may need a bit of extra help getting pregnant, in which case you will have to choose a fertility clinic. However, with so many fertility clinics in India and abroad, how do you decide?

A quick internet search for ‘fertility clinic near me’ can be a starting point, but there is so much more to consider when making such an important decision. The first thing I recommend to do is to make note of all the aspects that are important to you.

Aspects that are important to me in a fertility clinic

Monday 12 December 2022

Lifestyle & Nutrition: the solution for hormone-related infertility

Hormones are special chemical messengers in our body. They are made by the endocrine glands and travel through the bloodstream to all organs and tissues telling them what to do. Our environment and lifestyle have a huge effect on our hormonal balance. In fact, lifestyle and dietary changes can help prevent up to 70 percent of hormonal imbalances.

Endocrine disruptors

Endocrine disruptors alter the normal functioning of hormones by mimicking the action of hormones. A wide range of substances, both natural and man-made, are thought to cause endocrine disruption.

“Endocrine disruptors may be found in many everyday products– including plastic bottles, metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics, and pesticides. NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences supports studies to determine whether exposure to endocrine disruptors may result in human health effects including lowered fertility and an increased incidence of endometriosis and some cancers. Research shows that endocrine disruptors may pose the greatest risk during prenatal and early postnatal development when organ and neural systems are forming.”

Xenoestrogens, in particular, are a type of endocrine disruptors that mimic oestrogen. These are not biodegradable and are stored in the fat cells of

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Mother's Lap IVF Centre the hope for childless couples

Repeated failed IVF attempts often leave a childless couple in a state of depression. Mother's Lap IVF Centre the decade old and best infertility treatment centre in Delhi is successfully fulfilling their dreams of having a complete family.  All childless couples take the help of latest fertility treatments to complete their family. Unfortunately amongst them, all are not lucky to conceive even then. The reason – Repeated IVF failures – the condition where a patient is unable to achieve pregnancy after 2-4 IVF attempts.

What is the Solution then?

Mother's Lap IVF Centre has all the expertise and experience in handling such cases with utmost care  under the pragmatic approach of the most celebrated and award winner Dr. Shobha Gupta ever since its inception is serving patients from all around the globe.

At Mother's Lap IVF Centre, we investigate the couples, conduct detailed blood tests to rule out problems such as hypo-thyroid, hyperprolactinemia, diabetes, antiphospholipid syndrome or PCOS , sperm detection etc. The treatment is provided in the event of any hormonal or immunological disturbance.

Fertility Enhancing Surgeries at Mother's Lap IVF Centre

·        If there is a fibroid in the uterus, they would put a laparoscope and remove the fibroid.

·        If there is adenomyosis in the patient, they do the IVF cycle, freeze the embryos and then give them Goserelininjection to suppress adenomyosis for 2-3 months and then do embryo transfer.

·        Some patientshave the issue of hydrosalpinx, i.e. water in the fallopiantube due to infection. This water gets dischargedinto the uterine cavity and reduces the result. In such cases, they clip the hydrosalpinx and block it so that the water does not get discharged into the uterine cavity.

·        If there is any problem in the uterine cavity, they put a hysteroscope and correct the problem. Again, if there is a large endometrioma which may come in the way of the egg pickup procedure, they do a laparoscopy and just decompress the endometrioma. They do not remove it, as removal can lead to the reduction in patient’s ovarian reserve.

·        Patients with poor ovarian reserve, that is AMH <1.5 ng/ml are treated using the platelet rich plasma (PRP) ovarian rejuvenation technology.

All the above mentioned surgical procedures are done prior to starting the IVF treatment.

Created High-Grade Embryos at Mother's Lap IVF Centre

Good quality sperms are isolated using new filtration systems called Microfluidics. These sperms are injected into the eggs using the advanced IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection) technique. In this technique, the image of the sperm is magnified 6600 times. IMSI is used especially in patients with 2 or more recurrent ICSI failures.

 Nowadays at Mother's Lap IVF Centre, we have state-of-the-art IVF laboratories equipped with air-handling units for continuously filtering the air in the Lab. They are culturing the embryos in advanced bench-top incubators and time-lapse incubators called Embryoscope using high-quality medical-grade carbon dioxide.

We are also growing the embryos for 5-days in the incubator till they reach a 150-cell stage called Blastocyst. At Mother's Lap IVF Centre we  identify the best quality Blastocysts, either by using an artificial intelligence-based imaging system called ERICA or by genetic testing of embryos using the technique of embryo-trophectoderm biopsy (Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing PGTa) in combination with the advanced next-gen sequencing analysis. They also have a new technique of non-invasive chromosomal screening of embryos (NICS) wherein the embryos can be tested without performing the biopsy. The frozen embryo transfer cycles give better results than fresh embryo transfer cycles. Hence the embryos are normally frozen and transferred in subsequent cycles.

Please note pre-natal sex selection and sex determination is illegal in India and not done here.

State-of-the-art Technology at Mother's Lap IVF Centre has shown terrific Results

At Mother's Lap IVF Centre, patients are given good luteal support. In some patients, especially those with APLA syndrome, additional treatment such as oral low dose aspirin or low molecular weight heparin injections may be given.

In patients with poor endometrium, Mother's Lap IVF Centre specialists make use of advanced technology of inserting various medicines such as GCSF (granulocyte-colony stimulating factor) or PRP (platelet-rich plasma) into the uterine cavity to make the endometrial lining better. This results in improved pregnancy rates following IVF.

Moreover, if patients with ovarian failures still fail in their IVF cycle, Mother's Lap IVF Centre can offer them egg donation.

About Mother's Lap IVF Centre

Mother's Lap IVF Centre is considered one of the best IVF Clinic New Delhi and now in Vrindavan too, is established with the primary focus to bring joy to those childless couples who are downcast and crestfallen by their effort in the pursuit of conceiving a baby. Since the inception of our fertility clinic we have worked with lots of devotion and conscientiousness to build trust and win hearts of countless patients who have achieve their dream at Mother’s Lap considerably. For that reason, today we are considered among one of the best fertility treatment center in Delhi. For more information or to book appointment please contact us at +91 9205268976.

Thursday 10 November 2022

This diet can help you manage PCOD

Many people do not know about PCOD, though it is a common medical condition among women of reproductive age. One in every ten women has it. Polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) causes metabolism and hormonal imbalance due to which you have irregular periods and pile on weight which is hard to lose.

A high number of women discover they have PCOD when they have issues conceiving. It is usually detected while undergoing ultrasound or blood tests.

This condition has to be managed through medications and lifestyle changes. If you or your loved ones suffer from PCOD, this article will surely help. Here, I am going to discuss about the dietary tips helpful in managing PCOD.

But first, let’s understand what PCOD is?

PCOD is a medical condition where the ovaries produce immature eggs, which turn into small cysts over time. Due to this, there is hormonal imbalance leading to diabetes, acne, excessive hair growth, and infertility.

There is no cure for PCOD, but with medications, alternative therapies, and lifestyle changes, doctors can control PCOD. Apart from this, women having PCOD who are typically overweight are advised to exercise regularly to keep their weight in check.

What are the causes and symptoms of PCOD?

Friday 28 October 2022

This is how you will increase your chances of getting pregnant….

I see many patients struggling with infertility and they all have different stories to tell about their infertility journey. Today the lifestyle we live is the biggest reason that affects thousands and lakhs of couples to become infertile. Sometimes it literally broke my heart when I listened to their stories but being and Infertility specialist, it is indeed my duty to give my best advise to all the couples across the globe to live healthy and give them the best tips to follow for their fertility. Here are certain tips that you need to keep in mind and follow religiously to conceive: 

1. First of all your age matters a lot:  

For a woman the best reproductive years are in her 20s. When a woman reaches her thirties, her fertility will gradually decline, particularly after the age of 35. In your early 30’s you only have a 20% chance of getting pregnant. So, plan early. 

2. Lifestyle choices: 

How you live is the another important factor to be considered. If you are prone to take alcohol, smoking, drugs or taking medications such as painkillers and anti-inflammatory, it will definitely hamper your chances of getting pregnanton your own and then you need to seek a fertility expert. Abstain from such choices. 

3. Contraceptive pills: 

Many women nowadays have been on the pill since their teens, having sex before marriage or do not want to start family early is also one factor to be taken care of. Such women don’t come off it until they reach their 30s when they decide to have a baby, there may be underlying fertility factors that they aren’t aware of. Stop taking it or seek your gynaecologist first.

Tuesday 11 October 2022

This is why your periods have been stopped…

Missing out on your period doesn’t mean that you're pregnant. Also, people take it for granted that we'll have periods from puberty until middle age. But what happens when your periods suddenly stop? It's fairly common to experience irregular periods from time to time lifestyle changes and environmental factors such as shift work can make you late but absent periods (amenorrhea) especially at the early age should always be checked out. If you are a young woman and has regular periods but you missed out one for three months, but you are not pregnant then you should see your gynecologist as it could be more serious. Below, we look at some of the most common reasons your periods might have stopped.

1. You're stressed - Severe stress can have a major affect on your periods. High levels of stress hormones such as cortisol in your body interfere with menstrual hormones surges, resulting in a cycle that's delayed or that just stops.

2. You exercise excessively - Working out is good but if you exercise too much, or do it aggressively then your hormones will be disrupted in a similar way to when you're stressed.  If you are an avid gym-goer or athlete and you have very little body fat, there is a good chance you will begin to skip periods and have anovular cycles. Even if you do have a cycle, you may have very light bleeds as the womb lining is thin.

3. You have a low body weight - We know not all fat is good, but some fat is essential. If your body weight sinks too low, you may stop ovulating. Being too thin also prevents a pregnancy when, as far as the body is concerned, there is not enough food to

Thursday 22 September 2022

वृंदावन में खुलेगा दिल्ली का मशहूर मदर्स लैप, मदर एंड चाइल्ड केयर सेंटर

सालों से राजधानी दिल्ली के मरीजों के लिए विश्वास का नाम बन चुका मदर्स लैप सेंटर अब अपने शहर वृंदावन  में भी खुलने जा रहा है। सुनरख इलाके में जल्द ही खुलने जा रहे मदर्स लैप, मदर एंड चाइल्ड केयर सेंटर में तमाम आधुनिक सुविधाएं मरीजों को मिलेंगी। आने वाले दिनों में इस सेंटर में नवजात बच्चों और प्रसूति विभाग की सभी आधुनिक सेवाएं आपको एक ही छत के नींचे प्राप्त हो सकेंगी। इसके साथ ही वरिष्ठ स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ और मदर्स लैप, मदर एंड चाइल्ड केयर सेंटर की डायरेक्टर डॉक्टर शोभा गुप्ता के अनुभवी परामर्श का लाभ भी वृंदावन के मरीजों को मिल सकेगा।

मदर केयर और चाइल्ड हेल्थ

प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार मदर्स लैप, मदर एंड चाइल्ड केयर सेंटर का काम शुरू किया जा चुका है। यह कुछ ही महीनों में अपनी सेवाएं देना शुरू कर देगा। मदर्स लैप, मदर एंड चाइल्ड केयर सेंटर में स्त्री रोग से संबंधित सभी बीमारियां जैसे ओवरी सिस्ट, पेल्विक पेन, एंडोमेट्रियोसिस, यूरिनरी फाइब्रॉयड, पॉलिस्टिक ओवेरियन सिंड्रोम पीसीओएस, एक्ने असमान्य हेयर ग्रोथ, जेनेटल ट्रैक्ट इंफेक्शन, वजाइनल स्किन डिसॉडर, बांझपन से जुड़ी समस्यायें, सभी तरह की इंफर्टिलिटी जाचें, ओवल्यूशन इंडक्शन आदि जैसी समस्याओं का इलाज कुशल विशेषज्ञों की देख-रेख में किया जाएगा। इसके साथ ही नवजात बच्चों और प्रसूति विभाग की सभी आधुनिक सेवाएं आपको एक ही छत के नींचे प्राप्त हो सकेंगी।

बेहतरीन स्वास्थ्य सुविधायें

सेंटर के बारे में बात करते हुए मदर्स लैप, मदर एंड चाइल्ड केयर सेंटर की डायरेक्टर

Tuesday 13 September 2022

फैलोपियन ट्यूब बंद होने के लक्षण क्या हैं, क्या इसके बाद भी मां बनना संभव है?


Navbharat Times
फैलोपियन ट्यूब बंद होने के लक्षण

अधिकतर मामलों में फैलोपियन ट्यूब बंद होने के शायद ही कोई लक्षण पहले नजर आते हैं। इसकी वजह से गर्भधारण करने में कठिनाई हो सकती है। इसके अलावा अन्य लक्षणों में पेट या श्रोणि में दर्द महसूस होना और लगातार दर्द का बने रहना। यह दर्द कभी-कभी पीरियड्स के दौरान महसूस किया जा सकता है, या यह लगातार भी हो सकता है जैसे लक्षण सामने सकते हैं। कुछ गंभीर मामलों में, फैलोपियन ट्यूब में रुकावट के कारण निषेचित अंडा फंस सकता है। अवरुद्ध फैलोपियन ट्यूब गर्भवती होने को मुश्किल बना सकती है। इसके साथ ही बांझपन या गर्भवती होने में परेशानी होना पहला संकेत हो सकता है कि फैलोपियन ट्यूब अवरुद्ध हो गई है।

अच्छी बात ये है कि अगर फैलोपियन ट्यूब अवरुद्ध हो जाती है, तब भी अंडे का निषेचित होना संभव हो सकता है। यदि दोनों अवरुद्ध हैं, तो ऐसा होने की संभावना कम होती है।

क्षतिग्रस्त या अवरुद्ध फैलोपियन ट्यूब का इलाज

हाइड्रोसालपिनक्स उपचार और सर्जरी

हाइड्रोसालपिनक्स का इलाज तब होता है जब फैलोपियन ट्यूब में द्रव निर्माण के कारण रुकावट होती है। डॉक्टर आमतौर पर सैल्पिंगेक्टोमी या सैल्पिंगोस्टॉमी करता है। यह प्रक्रिया अन्य