Infertility is clinically defined as not able to get pregnant after one year of having regular sexual intercourse without the usage of birth control measures. On the other hand men are considered as infertile when they’ve been trying to make their wives conceive for one year with no success. So, basically there are plenty of people out there in the world struggling with this label of being infertile.
Infertile doesn't mean that you're out of options. Today, we are living in the field of technology and there is a solution to most world problems. Today, IVF which is known as In vitreo fertilization is the hope to help women who are childless.
There are a few factors that can contribute to female infertility like advanced maternal age, defined as having a pregnancy at the age of 35 or over, as you get older, your fertility gradually declines, which is why women who fall into this group may take longer to get pregnant and other conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, having damaged or blocked fallopian tubes that can’t be treated with surgery, and premature ovarian failure (a loss of normal ovarian function before age 40) may also make it harder to get pregnant without reproductive assistance;