By Dr. Shobha Gupta
Cigarette smoking is harmful to the ovaries, and the degree of damage is dependent upon the amount and length of the time a woman smokes or is exposed to a smoked environment. Nicotine and other harmful chemicals in cigarettes interfere with the body’s ability to create estrogen, a hormone that regulates folliculogenesis and ovulation. Female smokers also have decreased rates of fertility and decreased fallopian tube function. It not only can lead to all kinds of serious problems with the baby but also reduces the chances of IVF producing a live birth by 34% and increases the risk of an IVF pregnancy miscarrying by 30%. A pregnant woman who smokes also adds a risk to pregnancy.
Life Management strategies recommended:
• Start by quitting
• Eat a well-balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
• Avoid excessive use of alcohol
• Exercise Regularly
• Be Nature friendly
• Be Your Own Bodyguard
The Mothers Lap is a world class advanced fertility, IVF and Surrogacy centre based in Pitampura, New Delhi. This Center is the brightest ray of hope for all those couples who have been trying for years to conceive. The clinic provides the treatment to childless couples, also provides treatment for male and female infertility, diagnosis, counseling and many more under one roof. Mothers Lap gets all the investigations done; provide 4D Doppler studies, as well as all the drugs and injections are provided.
Dr. Shobha Gupta is the managing director of Mothers Lap IVF centre (MBBS (LHMC) DGO (MAMC), MD in OBS & Gynae, Trained in ART under Justus Leibig University (Germany), Member of FOGSI, AOGD, IFS, IMA). Mother's lap IVF center is dedicated to every aspect of infertility treatment to help the patients to achieve pregnancy in the shortest possible time.
Contact Mothers Lap IVF Centre for Surrogacy, Infertility treatments, Egg donation, Test Tube baby, IUI, ICSI and Freezing embryos.
Dr. Shobha Gupta |