Tuesday 23 June 2020

Whole grains for fertility

Is there a diet you should follow to promote fertility? A pro-fertility diet consisting of higher intake of supplemental folic acid, vitamin B12, Vitamin D, low pesticide residue produce (pre-washing fruits and vegetables in one part vinegar, 8 part water), whole grains, low fat dairy and seafood rather than other meats was associated with an increased probability of live birth in women having IVF.

The following foods and ingredients were considered whole grains: whole wheat and whole wheat flour, whole oats and whole oat flour, pasta, whole corn meal flour, whole rye and whole rye flour, whole grain barley, quinoa, buckwheat or kuttu atta, brown rice, pearl sago or sabudana,  broken wheat or dalia,  popcorn, amaranth, and jowar etc. Whole grain foods and its components have physiologic properties that support a link between whole grain intake and fertility. Whole grains helps in reducing coronary artery disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity are good for anyone’s diet but they’re even more important for women doing in vitro fertilization(IVF).

According to The study, “Maternal whole grain intake and outcomes of in vitro fertilization, Women who ate the most whole grains had a 53% live birth rate, compared to 35% for women with the lowest whole grain intake. The best whole grain to consume was bran and the main difference that was observed was in the thickness of the uterine lining (endometrium) during IVF. It seems that whole grains, and mainly the bran part, has

Thursday 11 June 2020

क्योंकि छूना है आसमां

मातृत्व का अहसास किसी भी हाल में जुबान से बयां नहीं किया जा सकता। मां बननें का सपना हर एक शादीशुदा महिला देखती है। व्यस्तम जीवनशैली और महिलाओं के कामकाजी होने या बांझपन के चलते भी महिलाओं के लिए संतान सुख अब परेशानियों को सबब नहीं रहा। इन विट्रो फर्टिलाइजेशन यानी आईवीएफ एक ऐसी तकनीक है जिसमें महिलाओं में कृतिम गर्भाधान किया जाता है। 

यह तकनीक महिलओं के लिए वरदान साबित हुई है। बीते दशक में इस तकनीक के प्रयोग बेहद बढ गया है। भागदौड और तनाव भरी जिंदगी में बांझपन और किराए की कोख यानी सरोगेट मदर्स का चलन भी बढा है। बहुत से महिलाएं ओवम यानी अंडाणु न बननाए गर्भाशय का कमजोर होनाए थ्रेटंड एबरेशन और हेबिचुअल मिसकेरिज जैसे मामलों के कारण मां नही बन पातीं थी। 

महिलाओं में 30 के बाद और पुरूषों में 35 वर्ष के बाद प्रजनन क्षमता कम होने लगती है। आयु बढने के साथ ही महिलाओं में डिम्ब ग्रंथियों से स्त्री बीज कम संख्या में उत्सर्जित होने लगते हैं और वे आसानी से निषेचित नहीं होते हैं। साथ ही जीन से जुडी विकृतियों के बढने का भी खतरा

Thursday 4 June 2020

Pregnancy and Corona Virus – what you need to do?

Pregnant women have to take care of their baby's health as well. At a time when the problem arising from the corona virus has taken a huge form around the world. As we all know that the virus spreads through respiratory droplets sent into the air when a person who has COVID-19 coughs or sneezes. It may also spread when someone touches a surface infected by a person who has the virus. People need to take special precautions rather than worry about it. Researchers are working quickly to learn more about what the new corona virus as well as its impact on our daily lives and of course on pregnant ladies too. The current, hopeful assessments of the new corona virus are based in large part on a study published online last month in The Lancet of nine pregnant women in their third trimester in Wuhan, China, who had pneumonia caused by COVID-19.None of the women developed severe illness, and all of their babies were born healthy. The risk of passing the infection to the fetus appears to be very low, and there is no evidence of any fetal malformations or effects due to maternal infection with COVID-19.

This is even more important for women who are pregnant because they have full responsibility for the care of their unborn child. A small mistake of pregnant women can have a bad effect on their health as well as their baby's health. That is why you can protect yourself and your baby in the