Obesity is a chronic medical condition characterized by too much body fat. Obesity is diagnosed by a number called the Body Mass Index (BMI), which calculates the amount of body fat. Your BMI is calculated from your current height and weight. The higher the BMI the more body fat a person has.
Being overweight affects everything. Yet another growing problem in today’s time among the population is infertility caused due to Obesity. Weight problem cases are on increase everywhere, and so are infertility clinics. Almost 10% of couples in the country get affected by infertility and are hesitant to take medical advice. The obesity rates in India have been rising at an extensive rate, out of which quarter of the women’s population is defined as medically obese.
Experts believe obesity has to do with the lifestyle issues of the major population in urban India. People in cities follow a sedentary lifestyle. Little or no physical activity are to blame.
I see at least 10 to 15 patients in a day coming to me for infertility out of which 4 to 5% are obese. Obesity also leads to low stamina, which reduces the urge of having sex. Obesity in women is known to contribute to annovulation, a reduced conception rate and at greater risk of pregnancy complications like