Wednesday 22 March 2017

When to seek out fertility treatment?

Infertility or unable to conceive is a common problem in today’s modernized society. Sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol consumption, little or no workout, placing laptops over lap, wearing too tight pants etc are the few reasons for being infertile. But thanks to the modern science, today, the fertility treatment is a gift to us which has helped millions of couples worldwide to conceive. 

Time and again the question arises when should we seek out fertility treatment? Please go by the following points if:
  • You haven’t conceived even after having one-year of regular unprotected sex, see a fertility specialist
  • You are under 35 who find it difficult getting pregnant after having regular unprotected intercourse for a year must seek medical help. 
  • You are over 35 and having difficulty conceiving after having six months of regular unprotected sex must opt for fertility treatments. 
  • You are having irregular menstrual and ovulation patterns poses a high risk for infertility. If you are going through these issues, then it is highly recommended to see a fertility specialist to increase your chances of getting pregnant. 
  • Either of the partners has been diagnosed with cancer and if they are still trying to protect their ability to conceive, they need to take a fertility treatment in time. 
  • Either of the partners is suffering with any hormonal or endocrine disorder like high thyroid or diabetes, the couple must seek fertility treatment. 
  • Women having the previous history of any gynecological or abdominal surgeries are also recommended to opt for fertility treatment once they decide to have a baby. 
  • After the age of 35, fertility rate declines in women and they cannot get pregnant easily. As the risk of infertility increases with ageing. 
The sooner you opt for fertility treatment, the faster the treatment and results. Infertility can be a symptom of many medical conditions and may get worse as the time passes. So, the delays in seeking help from a fertility specialist make fertility treatment less effective for you. Receiving fertility treatments at right time also helps you to reduce the potential risk of getting pregnancy complications while trying to conceive.

Monday 6 March 2017

What are the other treatment options for infertility apart from IVF

There has been immense change in the IVF technology itself. New methods for treating infertility have been introduced in recent years like; 

1) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), is an assisted reproductive technology used to treat male infertility. This technique involves washing of the sperm and injecting the specially prepared sperm into the egg obtained from IVF 

2) Intrauterine Insemination (IUI); a procedure in which sperm is washed, concentrated, and then placed directly into the uterus. It is a relatively simple form of infertility treatment. It might be used unexplained infertility in males and females. 

3) Frozen Embryo Transfer(FET) It is a part of IVF process. Main part of IVF is the ET which is called Embryo Transfer which usually takes 10 to 15 days to be injected in woman’s womb. Spare embryos from your IVF treatment can be frozen for future use, depending on their quality. Embryos can be stored for up to ten years for future treatment if your first cycle was unsuccessful or for siblings. 

4) Hormone Replacement Therapy in which some of the hormones like estrogen and progesterone gets replace that are reduced during and after the menopause;

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Important things to know about your fertility

India has a population of over 1.2 billion; the number of Indians suffering from infertility is huge. An estimated one in seven couple in India have fertility problems and mostly there is no known medical explanation and it is also believed that 10% of the general population suffers from some form of infertility. So, get educated and take control of your fertility. 

Do take note of the following points: 

1. Don’t be too fit to be pregnant: Yes you heard it right, do not be too fit; It is indeed very important to be healthy, but excessive exercise can negatively affect fertility in both men and women. A recent research conducted in US examining 2,232 women undergoing IVF treatment found that women who engaged in cardiovascular exercise for four hours or more per week prior to the treatment had a 40 per cent decrease in live birth rate. Men need to be aware of testicular heat negatively affecting their fertility, too. 

2. Don't rely on your pee. Be cautious when relying on urinary LH detection (ovulation) kits alone. The quality of cervical mucus falls rapidly as progesterone rises in response to the LH surge. Hence by the time the LH is detected by urinary ovulation kits, the cervical mucus quality may