Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Planning late pregnancy ? 5 things you should know

There has been a trend started of getting pregnant in mid 30’s these days, although from a psychological point of view we cannot determine what is the best time for birth. But as you age the levels of bearing a child decreases significantly. In no small measure to this influence, and that the gradually increasing average age of marriage: young people prefer to become firmly on his feet and only then start a family. 

Causes of delayed conception may be some health problems of the reproductive system, re-marriage, lifestyle and career aspirations and so on. But, despite the rapid development of medical technologies, including a growing improvement and the increasing availability of IVF, there are certain things that you should know about. Let’s look at them: 

1. Major decline in fertility: Every woman is born with the individual quantity of eggs.. With age, the uality and uanity of eggs both gets decreases, thereby reducing the chances of conceiving a child naturally. When both partners are completely healthy, they are advised to carefully monitor the condition of the body and wait. If pregnancy does not occur after a year of active attempts, it’s best to consult a specialist and consider IVF. 

2. Miscarriages: The possibility of spontaneous termination of pregnancy increases up to 10%, 17% and 33% aged respectively up to 30, 40 years and after reaching this age features. This is because of insufficient development of the ovaries is necessary to

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Loan Facility for IVF Treatment

Whenever a couple plans for the infertility treatment via IVF the first and foremost thing they think about is the cost involved. Usually IVF is an expensive option but here at Mother’s Lap IVF Centre, please do not worry about the cost. If you are planning for a IVF Treatment then cost is not a problem anymore.  

Now easy EMI & Loan facility available for IVF Treatment at our centre. Some of the treatments offered at our center are: 

1. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)  
2. Surrogacy  
3. Donor Insemination  
4. Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection  
5. PICSI Technique  
6. TESE Technique  
7. Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI)  
8. Cryopreservation in India 

Our Success rate is as high as 60% in IVF and a superb 70% in Surrogacy. This level of achievement is seen as a result of the dedicated efforts of the whole team of Mother’s Lap IVF Center to bring that happiness in the lives of couples.

Monday, 9 October 2017

Our success stories

The Twin sisters: God bless these cute twin sisters. After watching our interview on You tube
channel, a patient was very reluctant to come to our centre as they lost all hope after getting treatment from big corporate hospital. But now feeling lucky and blessed to come to Mother’s Lap IVF Centre.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Tips for pregnant women on fasting during karwachauth

Festive season has started and Karvachauth is round the corner. Many married ladies keeps fast during this day for their husband’s long life. Unlike other fasts, karvachauth fast is a bit difficult one as you cannot sip water all through the day. So, for all those expecting ladies who are in dilemma here are few tips that you need to keep in mind while fasting during pregnancy. 

1. Get connected with your doctor: The first and foremost thing you have do is to consult with your doctor before taking up the fast. There is no as such study that proves fasting during pregnancy is dangerous but it all depends upon your health and how smooth your pregnancy is. Also, Karvachauth fast is without water so; this might lead to dehydration, further causing a lot of physical discomfort and eating nothing the entire day might distress the baby too. Thus, before taking a decision to fast or not, it is always advisable to consult your gynecologist. 

2. Make moderations: Eating and drinking nothing the entire day is much difficult for pregnant ladies so it is better that you can make moderations in you fast by eating fruits once in a day and sipping water through out  so that you can continue with your fast without discomforting the baby inside. 

3. Choose your morning sargi carefully: First of all make sure you drink a big glass of milk, also eat nuts, fruits, a parantha so that you do not feel