There has been a trend started of getting pregnant in mid 30’s these days, although from a psychological point of view we cannot determine what is the best time for birth. But as you age the levels of bearing a child decreases significantly. In no small measure to this influence, and that the gradually increasing average age of marriage: young people prefer to become firmly on his feet and only then start a family.
Causes of delayed conception may be some health problems of the reproductive system, re-marriage, lifestyle and career aspirations and so on. But, despite the rapid development of medical technologies, including a growing improvement and the increasing availability of IVF, there are certain things that you should know about. Let’s look at them:
1. Major decline in fertility: Every woman is born with the individual quantity of eggs.. With age, the uality and uanity of eggs both gets decreases, thereby reducing the chances of conceiving a child naturally. When both partners are completely healthy, they are advised to carefully monitor the condition of the body and wait. If pregnancy does not occur after a year of active attempts, it’s best to consult a specialist and consider IVF.
2. Miscarriages: The possibility of spontaneous termination of pregnancy increases up to 10%, 17% and 33% aged respectively up to 30, 40 years and after reaching this age features. This is because of insufficient development of the ovaries is necessary to